Numbers and Figures

R&D expenditure, total

Expenditure on R&D in the Länder (in billion euros) and as a percentage of GDP, 2021

relative absolute
Land in % in billion Euro
Baden-Württemberg 5.64 30.37
Bavaria 3.39 22.56
Berlin 3.35 5.54
Brandenburg 1.72 1.39
Bremen 3.18 1.12
Hamburg 2.16 2.82
Hesse 3.09 9.37
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 1.77 0.88
Lower Saxony 2.72 8.60
North Rhine-Westphalia 2.21 16.39
Rhineland-Palatinate 2.78 4.51
Saarland 1.95 0.71
Saxony 3.09 4.18
Saxony-Anhalt 1.59 1.08
Schleswig-Holstein 1.68 1.76
Thuringia 2.74 1.82

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About the indicator

Gross domestic expenditure on R&D represents all funds used to carry out domestic R&D, regardless of the source of funding. The ratio of R&D expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) is known as R&D intensity.

R&D expenditure, higher education

R&D expenditure at universities (in billion euros) and as a percentage of GDP, 2021

relative absolute
Land in % in billion Euro
Baden-Württemberg 0.56 3.04
Bavaria 0.48 3.21
Berlin 0.88 1.45
Brandenburg 0.42 0.34
Bremen 0.80 0.28
Hamburg 0.61 0.80
Hesse 0.49 1.48
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 0.63 0.31
Lower Saxony 0.56 1.78
North Rhine-Westphalia 0.60 4.45
Rhineland-Palatinate 0.43 0.70
Saarland 0.64 0.23
Saxony 0.85 1.15
Saxony-Anhalt 0.64 0.44
Schleswig-Holstein 0.49 0.51
Thuringia 0.75 0.50

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About the indicator

Higher education expenditure on R&D represents the component of gross domestic expenditure on R&D incurred by units in the higher education sector. The higher education sector includes all universities, universities of applied sciences and other institutions providing formal tertiary education programmes, whatever their source of finance or legal status, and all research institutes, research centres, experimental stations and clinics that have their R&D activities under the direct control of, or are administered by, tertiary education institutions.

R&D expenditure, government

Expenditure on R&D at non-university research institutions (in billion euros) and as a percentage of GDP, 2021

relative absolute
Land in % in billion Euro
Baden-Württemberg 0.44 2.38
Bavaria 0.34 2.26
Berlin 1.31 2.17
Brandenburg 0.76 0.62
Bremen 1.32 0.46
Hamburg 0.39 0.51
Hesse 0.38 1.15
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 0.66 0.33
Lower Saxony 0.38 1.19
North Rhine-Westphalia 0.35 2.58
Rhineland-Palatinate 0.29 0.47
Saarland 0.49 0.18
Saxony 0.88 1.19
Saxony-Anhalt 0.53 0.36
Schleswig-Holstein 0.38 0.40
Thuringia 0.63 0.42

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About the indicator

Government expenditure on R&D represents the component of gross domestic expenditure on R&D incurred by units belonging to the government sector. The government sector includes all units of central, regional or local government (i.e. federal, state, local government), with the exception of those units that provide higher education services, as well as all non-market, non-profit institutions controlled by government units which are not part of the higher education sector.

R&D expenditure, business enterprise

Intramural business enterprise expenditure on R&D by state of residence of the research institution (in billion euros) and as a percentage of GDP, 2021

relative absolute
Land in % in billion Euro
Baden-Württemberg 4.63 24.96
Bavaria 2.56 17.09
Berlin 1.16 1.92
Brandenburg 0.54 0.43
Bremen 1.06 0.37
Hamburg 1.15 1.51
Hesse 2.22 6.74
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 0.48 0.24
Lower Saxony 1.78 5.63
North Rhine-Westphalia 1.26 9.35
Rhineland-Palatinate 2.07 3.35
Saarland 0.82 0.30
Saxony 1.36 1.83
Saxony-Anhalt 0.42 0.28
Schleswig-Holstein 0.81 0.84
Thuringia 1.36 0.91

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About the indicator

Business enterprise expenditure on R&D represents the component of gross domestic expenditure on R&D incurred by units belonging to the business enterprise sector. The business enterprise sector includes all resident corporations, legally unincorporated branches of non-resident enterprises, and all resident non-profit institutions that are market producers of goods or services or serve businesses. This sector comprises both private and public enterprises.

R&D personnel, total

R&D persons employed in full-time equivalents (FTE) and in FTE per thousand employed persons, 2021

relative absolute
Land in FTE per thousand employed persons in FTE
Baden-Württemberg 29.18 183,992
Bavaria 19.69 151,362
Berlin 18.33 38,255
Brandenburg 10.50 11,899
Bremen 18.33 7,962
Hamburg 15.31 19,783
Hesse 15.92 55,883
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 9.43 7,143
Lower Saxony 14.32 58,987
North Rhine-Westphalia 12.01 115,376
Rhineland-Palatinate 13.54 27,405
Saarland 11.19 5,841
Saxony 16.61 34,131
Saxony-Anhalt 8.87 8,806
Schleswig-Holstein 8.80 12,670
Thuringia 13.70 13,954

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About the indicator

The R&D personnel of a statistical unit includes all persons engaged directly in R&D. R&D personnel can be divided into three categories: researchers, technicians and other supporting staff. Full-time equivalent (FTE) of R&D personnel is defined as the ratio of working hours actually spent on R&D during a specific reference period (usually a calendar year) divided by the total number of hours conventionally worked in the same period by an individual or by a group.

R&D personnel, higher education

R&D personnel in higher education in full-time equivalents (FTE), 2021

Land in FTE
Baden-Württemberg 23,971
Bavaria 26,124
Berlin 10,861
Brandenburg 3,262
Bremen 2,055
Hamburg 5,635
Hesse 9,751
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 2,600
Lower Saxony 12,761
North Rhine-Westphalia 32,236
Rhineland-Palatinate 5,692
Saarland 1,692
Saxony 9,826
Saxony-Anhalt 3,266
Schleswig-Holstein 3,172
Thuringia 3,640

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About the indicator

The R&D personnel of a statistical unit includes all persons engaged directly in R&D. The higher education sector includes all universities, universities of applied sciences and other institutions providing formal tertiary education programmes, whatever their source of finance or legal status, and all research institutes, research centres, experimental stations and clinics that have their R&D activities under the direct control of, or are administered by, tertiary education institutions.

R&D personnel, government

R&D personnel in non-university research institutions in full-time equivalents (FTE), 2021

Land in FTE
Baden-Württemberg 18,051
Bavaria 15,772
Berlin 13,762
Brandenburg 4,550
Bremen 2,791
Hamburg 3,969
Hesse 5,869
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 2,383
Lower Saxony 8,965
North Rhine-Westphalia 20,694
Rhineland-Palatinate 2,805
Saarland 1,553
Saxony 9,048
Saxony-Anhalt 2,772
Schleswig-Holstein 2,867
Thuringia 2,926

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About the indicator

The R&D personnel of a statistical unit includes all persons engaged directly in R&D. The government sector comprises all units of central, regional or local government (i.e. federal, state, local government), with the exception of those units that provide higher education services, as well as all non-market, non-profit institutions controlled by government units which are not part of the higher education sector.

R&D personnel, business enterprise

R&D personnel in the business enterprise sector in full-time equivalents (FTE), 2021

Land in FTE
Baden-Württemberg 141,971
Bavaria 109,466
Berlin 13,632
Brandenburg 4,086
Bremen 3,117
Hamburg 10,180
Hesse 40,263
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 2,160
Lower Saxony 37,261
North Rhine-Westphalia 62,446
Rhineland-Palatinate 18,908
Saarland 2,596
Saxony 15,257
Saxony-Anhalt 2,768
Schleswig-Holstein 6,631
Thuringia 7,387

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About the indicator

The R&D personnel of a statistical unit includes all persons engaged directly in R&D. The business enterprise sector includes all resident corporations, legally unincorporated branches of non-resident enterprises, and all resident non-profit institutions that are market producers of goods or services or serve businesses. This sector comprises both private and public enterprises.

Patent density

Patent applications at the German Patent and Trade Mark Office by applicant’s state of residence (applications per 1 million inhabitants, patent density), 2023

Land per 1 million inhab.
Baden-Württemberg 1,300
Bavaria 810
Berlin 130
Brandenburg 80
Bremen 160
Hamburg 210
Hesse 170
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 70
Lower Saxony 350
North Rhine-Westphalia 300
Rhineland-Palatinate 150
Saarland 100
Saxony 130
Saxony-Anhalt 60
Schleswig-Holstein 130
Thuringia 240

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About the indicator

The indicator includes patent applications at the German Patent and Trade Mark Office (national applications and DPMA-PCT national phase). Allocation according to Länder is made by the applicant’s registered office. The German Patent and Trade Mark Office publishes these figures annually.


Successful completion of degree by state and combined final examinations, 2022

Land Number
Baden-Württemberg 4,153
Bavaria 4,910
Berlin 1,987
Brandenburg 382
Bremen 323
Hamburg 960
Hesse 2,042
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 518
Lower Saxony 2,239
North Rhine-Westphalia 5,641
Rhineland-Palatinate 740
Saarland 444
Saxony 1,553
Saxony-Anhalt 530
Schleswig-Holstein 634
Thuringia 636

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About the indicator

The indicator Doctorates covers all completed doctoral proceedings at German universities in one year. The German Federal Statistical Office publishes these figures annually.

Start-up rate, R&D intensive industries

Number of start-up businesses as a percentage of the total number of companies, 2020-2022

Land in %
Baden-Württemberg 2.3
Bavaria 3.0
Berlin 4.1
Brandenburg 2.9
Bremen 2.0
Hamburg 3.8
Hesse 2.7
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 2.0
Lower Saxony 2.4
North Rhine-Westphalia 2.6
Rhineland-Palatinate 2.7
Saarland 2.1
Saxony 2.5
Saxony-Anhalt 2.3
Schleswig-Holstein 3.0
Thuringia 1.9

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About the indicator

Start-up rate is the number of start-up businesses in one year as a percentage of the average number of companies in the same year. R&D intensive industry comprises of high-value technologies and cutting-edge technologies.

Start-up rate, knowledge-intensive services

Number of start-up businesses as a percentage of the total number of companies, 2020-2022

Land in %
Baden-Württemberg 5.5
Bavaria 5.9
Berlin 7.7
Brandenburg 5.4
Bremen 5.6
Hamburg 4.5
Hesse 5.4
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 4.8
Lower Saxony 4.6
North Rhine-Westphalia 5.8
Rhineland-Palatinate 5.0
Saarland 5.9
Saxony 4.4
Saxony-Anhalt 4.1
Schleswig-Holstein 5.5
Thuringia 3.7

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About the indicator

Start-up rate is the number of start-up businesses in one year as a percentage of the average number of companies in the same year. Knowledge-intensive services typically includes sectors such as IT/telecommunication, technical/R&D-services and management consultancy/marketing.


Annual average population (in million inhabitants), 2023

Land in million inhab.
Baden-Württemberg 11.32
Bavaria 13.40
Berlin 3.77
Brandenburg 2.58
Bremen 0.69
Hamburg 1.90
Hesse 6.41
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 1.63
Lower Saxony 8.15
North Rhine-Westphalia 18.16
Rhineland-Palatinate 4.17
Saarland 0.99
Saxony 4.09
Saxony-Anhalt 2.18
Schleswig-Holstein 2.96
Thuringia 2.13

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About the indicator

Total number of inhabitants of a given area.

Gross Domestic Product

GDP of the Länder (in billion euros and in euros per inhabitant), 2023

relative absolute
Land in Euro per inhab. in billion Euro
Baden-Württemberg 54,339 615.1
Bavaria 57,343 768.5
Berlin 51,209 193.2
Brandenburg 37,814 97.5
Bremen 56,981 39.3
Hamburg 79,176 150.6
Hesse 54,806 351.1
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 36,335 59.2
Lower Saxony 44,531 363.1
North Rhine-Westphalia 46,194 839.1
Rhineland-Palatinate 41,797 174.2
Saarland 41,617 41.3
Saxony 38,143 156.0
Saxony-Anhalt 35,911 78.4
Schleswig-Holstein 40,090 118.7
Thuringia 35,715 75.9

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About the indicator

The gross domestic product is the value of the domestic output of an economy in a given period.

Gross Domestic Product, growth rate of GDP

Growth rate of GDP (percentage year-on-year), 2023

Land in %
Baden-Württemberg 6.8
Bavaria 7.2
Berlin 8.0
Brandenburg 9.9
Bremen 5.8
Hamburg 1.5
Hesse 7.8
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 8.1
Lower Saxony 6.8
North Rhine-Westphalia 5.7
Rhineland-Palatinate 1.5
Saarland 6.5
Saxony 6.7
Saxony-Anhalt 5.2
Schleswig-Holstein 4.4
Thuringia 6.8

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About the indicator

The gross domestic product is the value of the domestic output of an economy in a given period.

Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors, total

Employment in technology and knowledge-intensive sectors (persons and percentage of total employment), 2023

relative absolute
Land in % Number
Baden-Württemberg 7.2 434,100
Bavaria 6.6 476,900
Berlin 10.0 190,700
Brandenburg 4.0 49,600
Bremen 5.3 17,200
Hamburg 7.1 71,000
Hesse 6.1 196,900
Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania 2.8 21,300
Lower Saxony 3.9 160,100
North Rhine-Westphalia 5.2 466,100
Rhineland-Palatinate 4.9 102,800
Saarland 5.1 24,700
Saxony 5.8 114,800
Saxony-Anhalt 2.5 24,700
Schleswig-Holstein 3.9 57,500
Thuringia 4.9 49,500

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About the indicator

Cutting-edge technologies comprise of high-technology manufacturing industry and high-technology knowledge-intensive services.